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Visit of Springboard CEO Ian Davenport

Terry Harrison, November 2013

Ian Davenport, CEO of The Springboard Foundation, paid his second visit to the region when he met members of The Clarion Academy at the Belmont Hotel in Leicester.


The purpose of the visit was to sign a partnership agreement between The Springboard Foundation and The Clarion Academy to enable the latter to work with The Springboard Foundation in identifying young people of African Heritage for potential bursaries at over 80 Public Schools as part of The Springboard Foundation's initiative.


Mr Davenport was delighted with the work of The Clarion Academy, which has been instrumental in identifying a number of young people of African Heritage who have already begun life at the famous Rugby School. It is anticipated that this new partnership will help even more young people to gain bursaries for Public Schools around the UK. Academy Chair Ian Grayling, who signed the agreement, was delighted that after only a short time in existence the Academy had formed this partnership.


Albey Law-Smith, Chair of The Clarion Voice, was delighted and said "It has been four long years in the making and The Clarion Academy is one of a number of initiatives planned by The Clarion Voice. We hope very soon to announce the location of our new premises from which we will operate and help young people to fulfil their potential in a range of areas of which education is one."

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