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Foreword by Damon Buffini Co Founder of Permira

Damon Buffini, December 2013

I know how hard it is for our young people to overcome the consistent bombardment of low expectations and negative stereotypes, which sadly are all too prevalent in Western societies today.

Luckily for me, I had people in my life, most notably my mother, who as a single parent, and with the help of others, inspired, encouraged and pushed me to be the best that I could be. Today, they can see that their efforts were not in vain.


There is a well-known proverb that says "It takes a village to raise a child". Well, The Clarion Academy represents that village; a community of interest, whose function is to assist under-privileged young people to fulfil their true potential.


To overcome the conditioning that stifles their self-belief, our young people will have to learn how to creatively and informatively challenge "the norm". They will need to experiment and test what works best for them in a conducive and supportive environment. They will also need to be challenged about how they as individuals can do better, by their parents, mentors and peers. Most importantly, they will need to discover within themselves the passion, drive and ambition needed to make a success of their own lives.

In my capacity as a corporate investor, I recognise that large organisations have a very important role to play in both championing and investing in the valuable work of organisations such as The Clarion Academy. These partnerships are essential to ensure that more under-privileged young people are given access to the kind of opportunities that will improve and transform their life chances.


The education, encouragement and support that I was afforded, helped equip me with much of what I needed to make a success of my own life.

The Clarion Academy’s focus on education and community service both at home and abroad will, I believe, help to provide the kind of life-changing experiences that will empower and transform the lives of our young people.

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